Armed Father Shoots Attacker in Alabama McDonald's

'He's my hero because I can only imagine how it would've went if he wasn't armed'

October 29, 2018

Pittsburgh Rabbi Refuses to Blame Anyone but Gunman for Synagogue Shooting

Jeffrey Myers quoted the Torah to say mankind is 'prone to evil.'

October 29, 2018

DNC Chair Used Private Jet of Donor Accused of Discriminating Against Latinos

Tom Perez flew with Albert Dwoskin, who is involved in court battle with undocumented immigrants

October 29, 2018

McCaskill Missed Nearly Half of All Armed Services Hearings

Largest absences occurred while running for re-election in 2012

October 29, 2018

Graham Urges Voters to Rebuke Democrats for Kavanaugh Treatment

'It’s a noble cause in their eyes to destroy a conservative judicial candidate...I hope politically they pay a price'

October 29, 2018