The Devil They Know

Oil Execs for Obama

Oil executives have given a substantial amount of money and support to President Obama’s re-election campaign, in spite of their criticisms of the president’s energy policies. According to Politico:

Workers from some of the country’s largest oil, gas and electric utility companies—including ExxonMobil, BP and Exelon—have given $772,000 to Obama’s campaign through mid-April, according to donation data for this election cycle compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. …

Energy-minded donors whom Politico spoke with gave differing reasons for supporting Obama. Several said they are die-hard Democrats who welcome his first-term emphasis on clean energy and green jobs. Others cited his embrace of the Republicans’ "all of the above" energy message, saying it helped soothe their concerns that his administration would be an excessive regulator if elected for another four years. …

Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers and his wife, Mary Anne, have given $10,000 to the Obama campaign. … Rogers has value as the co-chairman of the Democratic National Convention Committee, where he can spread the Obama energy message in his frequent trips to Democratic donor hot spots such as Miami, Los Angeles, New York and Chicago. He has also kicked in the maximum $100,000 individual donation toward the Charlotte convention.