White House Still Pays Women Less

13 Percent Pay Gap

The White House continues to pay women less than men, despite President Barack Obama’s promises to ensure equal pay for women.

According to the Washington Post:

The average male White House employee currently earns about $88,600, while the average female White House employee earns about $78,400, according to White House data released Tuesday. That is a gap of 13 percent.

In 2009, male employees made an average of about $82,000, compared to an average of $72,700 earned by female employees — also a 13 percent wage gap.

One of the key reasons is that more men hold the higher-paying, senior jobs in the White House, and more women hold the lower-paying, junior jobs.

The pay gap was even higher in 2011. The Washington Free Beacon previously reported that female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000 that year, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000).

Women were also paid less on Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign.

Democrats who often champion equal pay legislation have been known to be the worst offenders of gender pay discrimination.

A Free Beacon analysis of Democratic Senate offices earlier this year found that female staffers paid just 91 cents for each dollar paid to male staffers. The average salary for a woman was more than $5,500 below the average salary for a man.

Sen. Mark Warner (D., Va.) paid his female staffers only 72 cents on the dollar compared to male staffers, less than the 77 cents on the dollar trope used by Democrats. Sen. Mark Begich (D., Alaska) was even tougher on his female staffers, paying them just 71 cents on the dollar, for a gender pay gap of $23,504.

The Democratic National Committee was paying its female staffers 15 percent less than men in 2012.

The president recently said he would not tolerate First Lady Michelle Obama not being paid fairly, though his female staffers at the White House continue to earn significantly less.