Secretary of State John Kerry undermined the interests of the United States on Friday by discussing soccer in an interview with Sports Illustrated.
Kerry’s affinity for the sport, which has deep ties to socialism, is no secret. He has been photographed on numerous occasions looking awkward while kicking a soccer ball in jeans:

And posing awkwardly with soccer youths:

And attempting a "header" while wearing a suit:

And goofing around with Joe Biden:

Sometimes he wears khakis:

Super awkward:

In the interview, Kerry talked about how "very frustrating" it was to be unable to watch the World Cup due to the fact that President Obama’s foreign policy has achieved its of goal of letting the terrorists win in Iraq.
He also discussed the rest of the world’s obsession with a sport best known for its low-scoring, inconclusive results (ties), and fake injuries. "Leaders all over the world are up on it," Kerry said. "When I’m in the Gulf Sates, in the Arab world, in South Asia, in Iraq, I mean, I’ve seen football fields, and I mean football/soccer pitches, in the strangest places in the world."
What on earth is he talking about? The correct (i.e., American) formulation is "soccer fields." Kerry appears to be taking direction from his boss, who recently dropped the f-bomb during a press conference in Europe. If geopolitics were a soccer game, this administration would deserve a "red card" for diving.
Kerry’s obsession with soccer—the single greatest threat to American exceptionalism—is just another example of the Obama administration’s concerted effort to undermine American values. When he gushes about "the global game," the secretary of state is throwing red meat to a left-wing base that delights in seeing the United States humbled by lesser countries on the world stage. This exchange, regarding his soccer addiction, is downright sickening:
Kerry: I take a soccer ball with me in the plane, and when we have to refuel somewhere, when we refuel somewhere we’re kicking it around. I think it was Cape Verde. That’s probably where it was. I’ve seen some photos of us doing that in Austria, I think there was one in Germany. You know when we land to refuel coming back from the Middle East or when we’re going somewhere. If it’s daytime or even if it’s night sometimes and everybody’s awake, we go out and kick it around.
SI: Nice.
It's disheartening to think that we have to endure two and half more years of this socialist drivel. Unfortunately, there may be not much a republic left for President Louie Gohmert to save.