Attorney General Eric Holder said something yesterday that caught my eye:
Holder on his nationwide tour post-Ferguson: "I’m going to be putting a lot of miles on my airplane"
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) December 2, 2014
FACT CHECK: Holder is wrong. That plane does not belong to him, it belongs to the American taxpayer. That should be obvious by now. I pointed this out on Twitter, a social media website:
THE PEOPLE’S AIRPLANE! RT @ZekeJMiller: Holder on his nationwide tour post-Ferguson: "I’m going to be putting a lot of miles on my airplane" — Biff Diddle (@BiffDiddle) December 2, 2014
Lord knows I support the Justice Department’s soft stance when it comes to delicious ganj, but I'm afraid I can't abide an attorney general who shows such contempt for the American taxpayer. His lies about Fast & Furious and Benghazi are bad enough. Why lie about owning an airplane?
I guess we should expect no less from a public official who has, on several occasions, dared to insult one of America’s greatest heroes.