Free Beacon Washington Free Beacon Editors

Joe Biden's Immigration Policy Comes Home To Roost

The White House faces a child labor crisis of its own making

The FBI Should Go Back to the Basics

Time for the bureau to focus on protecting state secrets rather than fighting petty political battles 

DEI's Ignoble Lie

At Stanford and other universities, the advance of diversity, equity, and inclusion dogma comes at the expense of free speech and open debate

Princeton Fetes an Anti-Semite

The university went all-in on 'antiracism.' Sorry, Jews, that doesn't include you.

February 21, 2023

Intel Officials’ Fresh Laptop Baloney

After calling the Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinformation in 2020, Jim Clapper and co. set about restoring their tarnished reputations.

February 13, 2023

The New York Times Finally Finds a Scientist It Doesn't Like

Hint: She’s the one who doesn't want to rip out your gas stove