Free Beacon Joe Schoffstall

Joe Schoffstall is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Previously, he spent three years with the Media Research Center and was most recently with the Capitol City Project. He can be reached at His Twitter handle is @JoeSchoffstall.

Dem FEC Commissioner
Potentially Violated Federal Ethics Laws With Trump Demand

Ellen Weintraub demands Trump prove voter fraud scheme

February 15, 2017
Overdose Antidote

Clinton Foundation Partner Hiked Opioid Overdose Reversal Drug Price By 680 Percent

Democratic senators demand explanation on the skyrocketing prices

February 12, 2017

Former Dem Rep. Corrine Brown's Top Aide Pleads Guilty to Fraud

Brown, former chief of staff used charitable funds for personal gain

February 9, 2017

Democrats Quickly Build Massive Network to Combat Voter ID Laws

Another nonprofit launched with overlapping board members of other prominent liberal groups to fight Republican efforts

February 9, 2017

Clinton's Top Lawyer Joins Soros-Funded Super PAC to Fight Voting Laws

Marc Elias previously led Soros-funded effort attacking state voter ID laws

February 6, 2017

Dem Rep Paid Sister's Law Firm Nearly $150K From Campaign Funds in 2016

William Lacy Clay paid sister's firm more than $800,000 since 2002

February 6, 2017
FEC Chairwoman Ann Ravel

No-Show Dem FEC Official Wants Approval for Foreign-Funded Junket

(Updated) Ravel has now decided not to participate in the trip

February 2, 2017
voting booth

Group to Learn Number of Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in Two VA Locales

'A way forward for the Trump Administration to study ... illegal voting'

January 30, 2017

Rep. Gregory Meeks Pays Company Owned by Chief of Staff's Wife With Campaign Funds

Dem aide's wife has collected more than $150,000 from campaign since 2008

January 30, 2017