Free Beacon Andrew Stiles

Andrew Stiles is senior writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He can be reached at

MSNBC Invites Prominent Anti-Semite To Discuss Why Anti-Semites Should Be Canceled

Host Joe Scarborough sponsored congressional resolution condemning Al Sharpton's 'racist and anti-Semitic views'

October 26, 2022

FACT CHECK: 'Normal' John Fetterman Speaks 'Intelligently Without Cognitive Deficits'

Dr. Clifford Chen's so-called medical assessment contradicted by disastrous debate performance

October 26, 2022

FACT CHECK: Kamala Harris Peddles Dangerous Misinformation

VP implies she never supported controversial bail fund that put violent offenders back on the street. (She did.)

October 25, 2022

NYT Warns: GOP Could 'Seize' on Record Drop in Student Test Scores During COVID-19 Pandemic

How dare Republicans use 'devastating' results as 'political fodder' to 'relitigate the debate over how long schools should have stayed closed'

October 24, 2022

WATCH: Joe Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 16

'Today we are stepping up with, to hold the, really, to take it back.'

October 21, 2022

John Fetterman Looks Bad in Suit, Analysis Finds

Bizarre fashion choice raises questions about stroke victim's ability to dress himself

October 21, 2022

'All the Way Up to Nine Months': Democrats United in Abortion Extremism

No limit soldiers: Dem candidates won't accept anything less than full-term abortion on demand

October 21, 2022