
Kim Il Sung Square in the center of Pyongyang appears as usual on Jan. 8, 2015, believed to be the 32nd birthday of leader Kim Jong Un

North Korea Detains American Student

State media: U.S. citizen arrested for ‘hostile act’

January 22, 2016
Catherine Cortez Mastro

Masto Mum on Legal Weed as Husband Runs Security for Grow Operations

Dem Senate candidate said she opposed medical marijuana, but would defend Nevada law

January 22, 2016
The 5th Wave

‘The 5th Wave’ Review

One part post-9/11 fears, one part teen romance, eight parts incompetence

January 22, 2016
Temple of Olympian Zeus

A Democratic History of Ancient Greece

Review: Josiah Ober, ‘The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece’

January 22, 2016
Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan Goes on Offense

Column: Speaker Paul Ryan on 2016, the future of the Republican Party, and the power of ideas

January 22, 2016
Jerry Moran

Congress Moves to Block Payment to Iran of $1.7 Billion in Taxpayer Funds

Obama administration agreed to pay Iran $1.7 billion as part of a settlement agreement

January 21, 2016