
Obama Syrian Refugees

Feds to Spend $4.6 Million to Give ‘Emotional Wellness’ to Refugees

Funding announced just before Obama’s plan to increase number of refugees by 30 percent

September 14, 2016

Colin Powell: ‘I Would Rather Not Have to Vote’ for Hillary Clinton

‘A 70-year person with ... unbridled ambition, greedy ... a husband still dicking bimbos’

September 14, 2016

Internet Group ICANN Boosted Member Who Transferred U.S. Technology to Iran

Obama administration pushing to hand over control of internet to ICANN

September 14, 2016
Russ Feingold

Campaign Finance Expert: Feingold’s PAC a ‘Legalized Slush Fund’

Feingold’s PAC padded the pockets of longtime aides and spent just 5 percent on candidates

September 14, 2016