

FBI: Murder in America Up Nearly 10%, at 5-Year High

Remains near historical lows, rifle murders down

September 26, 2016
Brian Mast

GOP Candidate Slams ‘Arrogant’ Opponent for Berating Him on Military Service

Brian Mast outlines experience on national security, vets’ issues in bid for Florida seat

September 26, 2016
Hillary Clinton

Clinton Privately Warned of U.S. Cyber-Attack Vulnerabilities

Remarks came a day before classified emails on private server were revealed

September 26, 2016
Patrick Murphy

Even Patrick Murphy’s Name Is a Political Creation

Florida Democrat went by ‘Erin’ before launching political career

September 26, 2016
Iraq Training Troubles

Iraqis Threaten to Sue U.S. for War Crimes

9/11 bill removing sovereign immunity rights will open U.S. to flood of international lawsuits

September 26, 2016