
Demonstrators fighting for a $15-per-hour minimum wage march through downtown during rush hour on May 23, 2017 in Chicago

Journalism Union Welcomes Fight for 15 Activists

Organizers for SEIU-backed movement join United Media Guild

December 6, 2017

$5.5 Million in Unallowable Medicaid Payments Made to Dead People in Texas

$1.77 million in payments has not been identified or recovered

December 6, 2017

Wisconsin Dem Did Not Revoke License of Teacher Who Watched Porn, Made Explicit Comments About Students

Report details findings of investigation into teacher whose controversial case has taken center stage in the Wisconsin gubernatorial race

December 6, 2017
Robert Mueller

FBI Increasingly Politicized Under Comey and Mueller

Analysis: Bureau operating as unchecked power

December 6, 2017