
Donald Trump

Trump to Announce 'Fake News Media' Awards Monday

President also says he has 'bigger' nuclear button than Kim Jong Un in tweet

January 2, 2018
Lebanese and Palestinian youths burn a make-shift Israeli flag

Students for Justice in Palestine Membership Down, but Members Increasingly Radical

Anti-Israel org funding and leadership linked to Palestinian terror organization in congressional testimony

January 2, 2018

Haley: Freedom Is 'Under Attack' in Iran, Leader's Statement Is 'Complete Nonsense'

U.N. ambassador also says U.S. withholding $255 million in military aid from Pakistan

January 2, 2018
Iranian students scuffle with police at the University of Tehran during a demonstration driven by anger over economic problems

Trump Admin Working to Incubate Nascent Iranian Revolution

Amid regime crackdown, Trump admin 'will not turn back' on Iranian protesters

January 2, 2018