
Hillary Clinton to Be Paid Much Less at Rutgers Than Past University Speeches

Former Dem presidential nominee will receive $25,000, about $200,000 less than average 2014 fee

March 29, 2018

GOP Senators Want More Action on Trump Nominees

Sen. Lankford pushes plan to change Senate rules to stop Dem delays

March 29, 2018

Watchdog Calls for Investigation into Obama Labor Appointee

CEI petitions National Labor Relations Board to investigate boardmember Pearce for leaking anti-franchise decision

March 29, 2018
Claire McCaskill

McCaskill's Hollywood Hosts Maxed Out to Clinton's Lewinsky Legal Defense Fund

McCaskill on Clinton in 2006: 'He's been a great leader, but I don't want my daughter near him'

March 29, 2018

U.S. Efforts in Afghanistan Encumbered by High Turnover

Commanders say the 'constant churn of personnel remains an obstacle'

March 29, 2018
Girl Scouts

Feds Spend $999,951 Getting Kids to Scold Parents Into Using Less Energy

Study deploys Girl Scouts to tell parents to use appliances less

March 29, 2018