Bill Clinton: I Find People Say Embarrassing Things on Email

June 10, 2015

When Bill Clinton was president, the Internet had just made its way into the White House. Clinton notoriously likes to brag that he only sent two emails during his entire eight years as president.

At the Clinton Global Initiative in Denver, Colorado, this week, Bill explained the two emails.

"The only time I got on the Internet, I did two emails and I ordered Christmas presents from the reservation. Otherwise, I found that that people said embarrassing things on email and I didn’t want to be one of them," said the former Internet savvy president whose comments were met by giggles. He went on to say it–the Internet–was crazy.

Funny, because during Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State she sent an estimated thousands of emails. According to Clinton herself, she turned over 55,000 pages of emails that she had personally deemed important or relevant to the work during her time at the State Department. She has also been adamant about having her emails released to the public as quickly as possible.

So far, the Clinton emails that have surfaced show she had been receiving advice on the Middle East from Sidney Blumenthal, whom the Obama administration had barred from working at the State Department. Blumenthal also been received payment for his advising from the Clinton Foundation.

The State Department is set to release more of her State Department emails at the end of July.