Target Stores Close Over Pro-LGBT Bomb Threats

June 13, 2023

Several Target stores across the country closed this weekend after receiving bomb threats for removing controversial LGBT clothing items from the shelves.

Stores in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York were evacuated after emails were sent to local news outlets with bomb threats against Target, though no explosives were recovered after police searches. One of the emails, which threatened stores in three states, accused Target of betraying the LGBT community by removing items in its "Pride" collection after backlash.

Target released "gender neutral" and LGBTQ merchandise designed by a Satanist last month that led to boycotts and a $15 billion loss in the company's market capitalization. The company pulled some items after the backlash.

The threats against Target said the company "betrayed the LGBTQ+ community" and "are pathetic cowards who bowed to the wishes of far right extremists who want to exterminate us," the Washington Post reported. Stores in Utah, Ohio, and Pennsylvania had already dealt with bomb threats in recent weeks following the removal of transgender merchandise.

Democrats have criticized Target for pulling some of the items amid the backlash. California governor Gavin Newsom accused the company of "selling out" the LGBT community.

Published under: LGBT , Target