Rubio to Students: You Have a Chance to Change the Way We Talk About Politics

February 21, 2018

For his opening statement at CNN's town hall in response to the mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Republican Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) told students they have a chance to do more than change gun laws, they can also "change the way we talk about politics in this country."

Students from around Florida have called for stricter gun laws in response to the killing of 17 in last week's massacre.

Before an often combative crowd due to his pro-gun positions, Rubio said he has no idea what it's like to lose a child.

"In that realm, I want to be honest with you," Rubio said. "I think all of us would like to see action. But I want to tell you what we're going to struggle with."

Rubio decried polarization in America which he said goes far beyond politics.

"We are a nation of people that no longer speak to each other. We are a nation of people who have stopped being friends with people because of who they voted for in the last election," Rubio said.

He also criticized Americans who watch the news to be validated, saying, "We are a nation of people who have isolated ourselves to only watch channels that tell us that we're right."

"We're a nation of people that have isolated ourselves politically and to a point where discussions like this have become very difficult," Rubio said.

The Florida senator then thanked the crowd for coming and said he was "extremely excited" about their engagement.

"I think you have a chance to do a lot more than change gun laws. You should push for that. You have a chance to do a lot more than that, you have a chance to change the way we talk politics in this country," Rubio said.

"If we want to ensure that it doesn't happen again, we are going to have to find a way as a nation to work with people we may not agree with on certain things, without accusing one another of being evil people," Rubio added.

Rubio finished his speech echoing that sentiment, saying, "You may not like everything I say or everything I stand for, but I want to find a way forward to solve the problem."