More Americans View Economy Favorably for the First Time Since Financial Crisis

14 percentage-point rise in public opinion about economy since last year is largest in history

Getty Images
April 3, 2017

For the first time since the financial crisis, more Americans view the economy favorably, according to a report from the Pew Research Center.

Pew found that 58 percent of Americans say the current economic situation in the United States is good, compared with only 40 percent who say it’s bad. Last spring, 54 percent of Americans said the economy was in bad shape compared while 44 percent of Americans said it was in good shape.

"This is the most positive assessment of U.S. economic conditions since 2007, and only the second time that half or more of those surveyed have given the economy a thumbs-up," the report said. "The 14-percentage point rise in overall public opinion about the economy since last year is the largest one-year improvement in public sentiment about economic conditions in the history of the survey."

In spring of 2008, in the middle of the recession, only 20 percent of Americans said the current economic condition in the United States was good.

Roughly the same percentage of Democrats, 60 percent, and Republicans, 61 percent, believe economic conditions are very or somewhat good. Last year, about 31 percent of Republicans said the economy was in good shape.

Pew polled various demographic groups and found that across the board the majority of Americans are saying the economy is doing well. The only demographic group that fell short of that was 49 percent of those aged 18-29 saying the economy was in good shape.

"In the past year, perception of the economy has improved across all age groups," the report said. "Positive views have gained by 7 percentage points among younger people, by 16 points among middle-aged Americans and by 15 points among older people."

Even those with less education and those earning a lower salary said the economy was performing well. Fifty-five percent of Americans with an education of high school or less and 51 percent of Americans earning a salary less than $30,000 approved of the current economic conditions.

Published under: Economy