Kerry Won't Say What He Would Have Done Differently in Syria

January 6, 2017

Secretary of State John Kerry refused to say in an interview aired Friday what he would have done differently in Syria looking back at his handling of the conflict as America's top diplomat.

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell spoke with Kerry two weeks before he will leave his position and asked about a variety of issues. When Mitchell brought up Syria, Kerry defended the Obama administration's actions.

Mitchell asked Kerry about the role of Russia in the Syrian conflict and if he had any regrets on not providing more support to the moderate Syrian rebels in their bid to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

"Well again, Andrea, I'm going to have a lot of opportunity to be able to sort of look back and digest what choices might have been made," Kerry said. "I'm not going to do it now except to say to you–"

Mitchell interrupted Kerry about his role in and advice on the matter before the secretary said he was proud of his work and the choices that were made by the United States in Syria.

Kerry spent much of the rest of his answer criticizing Russia and many of the other parties, including terrorist groups, that have contributed to the current situation in the country. He also discussed what he believes is the best path forward for Syria.