Picture of Clintons at Trump's Wedding Used by Sanders Campaign

Courtesy of the Sanders Campaign
April 26, 2016

Bill and Hillary Clinton were in attendance at Donald Trump's last wedding, but now Hillary Clinton's rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), is using a picture of the Clintons and Trumps together in a new appeal for donations, the Washington Post reported.

"Over the past few days, Hillary Clinton’s campaign and some of its top supporters have launched an odd new line of attack against people like you who stand with Bernie," said the email signed by Jeff Weaver, Sanders’s campaign manager. "They are saying that by continuing to campaign and fight for every vote, for every delegate, that we are helping Donald Trump."

"They’ve used language reserved for traitors to our country, saying we are ‘giving aid and comfort’ to Trump," Weaver continued. "They are emailing supporters with the subject line ‘What Trump loves about Bernie.’ Let me be clear, there is one candidate in this Democratic primary who Donald Trump said would make a ‘great president,’ and it’s not Bernie Sanders."

In the picture, Donald Trump is standing closely next to Hillary Clinton with Bill Clinton and Melania Trump next to them at the wedding reception in 2005. At the time, Hillary Clinton was a Senator from New York and Trump was a donor to Clinton's senate campaign.

Sanders has used at times on the campaign trail, the ties between the Democratic and Republican front-runners. Sanders has used electronic means, including emails, to fund his campaign. As he regularly touts, his average donation is under $30 and he does not have a Super PAC. Many have said that his email list would provide to be more than valuable to the Democratic party, with Politico calling it, his "Secret weapon."