Trump Declares Victory in New Hampshire

February 9, 2016

Donald Trump won handily in the Republican New Hampshire Tuesday evening, giving the candidate who's declared over and over that America "doesn't win anymore" a signature victory.

Trump started his speech off by claiming that he was going to make America great again, his signature slogan for his rollicking campaign.

He started his lengthy speech by thanking his wife, the rest of his family and his deceased parents.

He then went on to make the continued campaign promises of building up the United States military as well as building a wall between the border of the U.S. and Mexico.

"That's so beautiful," Trump said of his fans, who started a "Trump" chant during his address. "What a group of people."

Trump ended his speech by saying he was going to win South Carolina and beyond.

"We're going to win in South Carolina! I love you all! Thank you very much!" he said.

His victory was by a wide-enough margin that the networks all called the state for him within moments of the final polls closing.

As expected, there was a jumble of candidates occupying the next five slots behind him, although it appeared former Ohio Gov. John Katich, who was a non-entity in Iowa, would finish in second place.

Trump was not the only candidate to shake up the establishment Tuesday night. On the Democratic side in New Hampshire, socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) won handily over Hillary Clinton.