CIA Enhanced Interrogation Program Architect Says Democrats Using Report to Gain More Control Over CIA

December 12, 2014

"I think it's the Democrats want to rewrite history partially because giving the CIA a black eye would maybe give them more control over the CIA's budget and more control over, you know, more Senate oversight," Dr. James Mitchell told VICE News. "Well, the problem with that is you can't trust Congress to get anything done."

"I don't want them fighting the war on terror. I don't want them making decisions about that."

Dr. Mitchell is considered by many to be the architect of the CIA's enhanced interrogation program which has recently come under fire after a report from the Senate Democrats.

"They can't pass a budget," he said to the news agency. "They can't pass a single bill without sticking some kind of rider on the thing."

"So I really don't think that they should be in a position to make decisions about stuff that is stove piped in through the executive branch."

The retired Air Force psychologist said that he values oversight though.

"Oversight is important, it keeps people honest but oversight is not the same thing as calling the shots," he told VICE. "I just don't think they ought to be calling the shots for organizations like the CIA."

"Not if plan on protecting our people."