Is the bloom off the rose with Hillary Rodham Clinton? If what President Obama said about Americans wanting that "new car smell" in 2016 is right, she's in a lot of trouble.
Democrats further left than her think she's a corporate sellout, and media members are openly questioning what the point of her campaign would even be. Liberals are tired of hearing about her so-called "inevitability" as the Democratic candidate, and they're sick of her vanilla statements on controversies or outright dodging of them.
She's been called "out of touch," "not quite ready for primetime" and "tone-deaf and unrelatable" by commentators from liberal outlets. Bloomberg's Mark Halperin declared her the "loser" of the midterms with regards to 2016. That was a fair assessment. It was a disastrous election for the Democratic Party, with candidates she stumped for, including so-called Clinton Democrats, beaten soundly across the country.
And no one can seemingly think of a good reason she's qualified to be president beyond the fact that she's... totally qualified to be president.