Paul: Obama Thinks Due Process is Him Making a Decision

Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) said President Obama "thinks due process is him making a decision" Tuesday on Hannity while discussing news that top administration officials use secret email addresses.

After a clip played of Obama in 2009 saying transparency would be a touchstone of his presidency, Paul said his remarks sounded great but the "constellation of scandals" enveloping the White House have caused him to lose the moral authority to lead the nation.

HANNITY: Do you think that these private email accounts live up to that standard or maybe do you think that they were designed to avoid FOIA requests?

PAUL: Here's the thing. When I hear the president speak and what he just said, if I were sitting in the audience i would stand up and cheer, because what he's saying sounds so great. What he said recently about if an American were targeted for attack, they would get due process, but he thinks due process is him making a decision and not a judge or not a jury. So when he says that I'm not sure he really means this. I think what is happening, this constellation of scandals, one after another, Benghazi, the IRS, the reporters that he's targeted, I guess he's losing and to me he is losing that moral authority, the moral authority to lead the nation. Even though he sounds so great and I want to believe in what he says, he is losing that believability to the American public.

Published under: Rand Paul , Video