Manchin Complains Biden Won't Develop Offshore Oil. He Voted Down a Measure Forcing the Admin To Do Just That.

Biden has 'no intention' of holding offshore lease sales, Manchin says after opposing measure to mandate offshore lease sales

May 4, 2023

TikTok's Democratic Consulting Firm Had Additional White House Meeting, Records Show

Firm hired by TikTok met with Biden economic officials as recently as January

May 4, 2023

AOC Slams NY Mayor Over Death of Homeless Man Caught on Video

'I'll hurt anyone on this train,' Jordan Neely shouted before other passengers restrained him, leading to his death

May 4, 2023

The Left’s Favorite Pro-Renewable Energy ‘Watchdog’ Doesn’t Legally Exist

The Energy and Policy Institute, a critic of dark money in politics, is hiding its donors and all financial information

May 4, 2023