Wall Street Liberals: Warren 'Better Form of Poison' Than Sanders

Harris supporter predicts Wall Street types will stay home if Warren wins nom

July 18, 2019

Bi-Partisan Commission Detects Russian Misinformation Effort in Ukraine

Increased bot activity before Ukraine's upcoming parliamentary elections

July 18, 2019

Argentina Freezes Hezbollah Assets

Announcement comes on 25th anniversary of deadly bombing of Buenos Aires Jewish community center

July 18, 2019

Iran's Revolutionary Guards Seize Foreign Tanker

Attacks on tankers near the Strait of Hormuz have unsettled crucial shipping lanes

July 18, 2019

Ilhan Omar Told Jewish Voters She Opposed BDS During Election

Omar now a co-sponsor of pro-BDS legislation

July 18, 2019

House Dems Anonymously Complain About Defending the 'Squad'

'I can't tell you the number of Members who are angry and annoyed about them criticizing us'

July 18, 2019

Buttigieg: I 'Constantly' Think of Resigning Mayorship to Focus on Campaign

Buttigieg has taken heat for handling of police shooting in South Bend

July 18, 2019

Federal Tax Changes Caused Nearly $800 Million Va. Revenue Surplus

Much of the money will be disbursed in a one-time refund in October

The Corporate Executives Elizabeth Warren Likes

Warren’s donor list packed with big Hollywood names, tech execs

July 18, 2019