The United Nations headquarters in New York

U.S. Boots Cuban Diplomats for Running Spy Ops on American Soil

Members of Cuba's permanent mission to the U.N. will be restricted to traveling only in Manhattan

September 19, 2019

Ernst Pushes Bill to Prevent Fed Splurge on Lobsters, Candies, Video Games

Sen. Joni Ernst pushing legislation to prevent end-of-year spending surge

September 19, 2019

NBC News Exclusive: AG Bill Barr Blurbed a Book One Time

The book argued Obama-era directives led colleges to tar innocent men as rapists

September 19, 2019
Iranian president Hassan Rouhani

Intel: Iran Sought Nuclear Weapons Tech as Recently as 2018

Tehran warns U.S. of 'crushing' military response

September 19, 2019

Pogrebin: 'Not Our Determination' Whether Kavanaugh Should Be Impeached

Authors of new book wrote allegations against Kavanaugh 'rang true' to them

September 19, 2019

Bennet: 'Our Democracy' Has Prevented Climate Action

‘You can’t act urgently on climate if you have a climate denier in the White House’

September 19, 2019

Yang: Climate Change May Require Elimination of Car Ownership

Imagines 'constant roving fleet of electric cars' as alternative

September 19, 2019

CNN Analyst Erupts Over Whistleblower Report

Says it's not intelligence official's job to 'snitch' on Trump

September 19, 2019