
Russia, Cyber Take Center Stage at Confirmation Hearings

Kelly, Mattis underscore need for comprehensive policy to deter cyber attacks

January 15, 2017
Walter M. Shaub

Head of Ethics Office Is Obama Donor, Now Concerned About Trump Nominees

Shaub says he has 'great concern' over speed of confirmation hearings for Trump's nominees

January 15, 2017

The Music of Meaning

Review: Ted Gioia, 'How to Listen to Jazz'

January 15, 2017

Hard Truths About Soft Power

Review: Eliot Cohen, 'The Big Stick: The Limits of Soft Power & the Necessity of Military Force'

January 15, 2017

Republicans Introduce Bill to Reform Silencer Laws to Both Houses of Congress

Would remove special tax and registration requirements

January 14, 2017
Paul Ryan, Brian Fitzpatrick

Freshman Congressman Pushing Anti-Corruption Legislation

Former FBI political corruption investigator wants to root money and seniority out of public service

January 14, 2017
Alexander Soros

Soros' Son Quietly Steps Up as Major Liberal Donor

Alexander Soros gave $4.5 million to Democratic campaigns and committees in 2016

January 14, 2017
Planned Parenthood rally

DC Radio Giant Pulls Pro-Life Ad

Ad highlighted Planned Parenthood organ harvesting, political spending

January 14, 2017
Donald Trump

Protest Aims to 'Take Down' WhiteHouse.Gov on Inauguration Day

National PR service circulates—then pulls—release highlighting campaign to crash government website

January 14, 2017