In Reversal, Obama Speechwriter Decries ‘Gross Political Sh*t’

speechwriter Jon Favreau
/ AP
May 17, 2016

In a reversal, the former head speechwriter for President Barack Obama, who has compared Republicans to terrorists and "hardliners" in Iran, took to Twitter to decry "gross political shit."

Jon Favreau’s newfound disdain for "gross political shit" began after he became upset on social media upon learning Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) called Obama’s national security team "chumps," "yes men and fanboys."

"You know, most of who’s left in the administration now are all these yes men and fanboys who were van drivers or press flacks for Barack Obama in Iowa and New Hampshire in 2008," Cotton said. "As if any of them have ever seen anything more dangerous than a shoving match when they were playing beer pong in the back of a bar in Georgetown."

Favreau, who enjoys a game of shirtless flip cup in Georgetown, did not take kindly to Cotton’s remarks.

Favreau was referencing the open letter to Iran sent by Cotton and 26 other Republicans last year, saying Congress would not approve the nuclear deal.

The co-founder of the Federalist Sean Davis pointed out that Favreau’s line of work hasn’t included combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan like Cotton’s.

Favreau was offended by Davis, calling his tweet dishonest and "gross political shit."

Favreau’s tweet implies that he would never engage in dishonest or "gross political shit," such as laughing about selling Obamacare with the lie "if you like your insurance you can keep it."

Or saying Iranian hard-liners who chant "death to America" are "making a common cause with the Republican caucus." Or saying Republicans are doing the terrorists’ work for them. Or that mass shootings "should be politicized." Or comparing Republicans to suicide bombers. Or "hostage takers."