Ad Highlights Illinois Dem Family's Investments in Iranian Uranium Company

Also invested in companies that have outsourced jobs to China

October 17, 2014

Illinois Democratic congressional candidate Brad Schneider and his family have some shady investments, and he is trying to keep them secret.

A new ad highlights some of those investments.

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) released the ad, called "Hiding." The ad raises several questions about Schneider’s investments, which include a uranium companies known to do business with Iran.

The NRCC discovered that Schneider’s wife invested in Iranian mining company Rio Tinto Finance. His wife divested between $1,001 and $15,000 in the global mining and metals company in June 2013.

As late as Oct. 10, Rio Tinto allowed Iran to maintain a 15 percent stake in a uranium mine the company owned.

"While Schneider continues to tout his so-called pro-Israel credentials, his investment in a company that does business with Iran demonstrates a complete disregard for the safety of Israel and the United States," said a senior congressional staffer who works on foreign policy issues. "Voters need to ask themselves if they're comfortable trusting someone like Schneider with preventing the world's leading sponsor of terrorism from going nuclear."

According to the ad, Schneider refuses to release all of his tax returns. It also accuses the congressman of "abruptly" changing "his filing status to keep some of his family’s income secret.

The NRCC ad also focuses on investments Schneider has in businesses that have outsourced jobs to China.

Published under: 2014 Election , China , Iran