White House Tweets Attack on Bibi Using Noted Plagiarist

Plagiarist (AP)
March 6, 2015

The White House used an article written by a known plagiarist to attack the credibility of the leader of America’s closest ally in the Middle East.

Even though the president insisted the U.S. and Israel were strong, the White House National Security tweeted "Interesting take from @FareedZakaria on why PM Netanyahu's predictions on #Iran have been wrong for 25 years," and included a link to the article.

In a stunningly political and petty move, the White House essentially accused Prime Minister Netanyahu of fear mongering for more than two decades.

The White House’s use of Zakaria raises red flags. CNN and Time magazine suspended the embattled pundit and editor for plagiarism on a gun control article he wrote in 2012. He was accused, again, of plagiarism in August 2014. Afterwards, Our Bad Media delivered a crushing report detailing 26 examples of Zakaria continuously plagiarizing in dozens of episodes of his CNN show by ripping off other sources.

Beyond credibility as a journalist, it was foolish for the White House to use Zakarie because he has been a puppet of the Obama administration since Obama came into the national fold in 2007.

Zakaria has long been an outspoken Obama backer. In 2008, in an interview with Playboy magazine, Zakaria even went so far as to say Obama is never wrong about anything.

"I think he's right about every issue he's been criticized on," Zakaria said.

Even the left-leaning Salon bashed Zakaria for his "neoliberal know-it-all-ism."

The article itself also took a number of cheap shots at Netanyahu.

"When describing the alternative to it (Iran deal), Netanyahu entered never-never land, painting a scenario utterly divorced from reality," Zakaria wrote.

Zakaria mocked the Prime Minister by comparing his "wishful thinking" to Peter Pan in his article.