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'The Cartels Know This': Biden's Border Crisis Pushes Montana's Indian Country to the Brink  

'The Biden administration’s Bureau of Indian Affairs treats us worse than white people do,' Indian leader says

June 20, 2024

California Dem Congressional Candidate Hasn’t Read the Anti-Crime Ballot Measure He's Trying To Kill

Dave Min, who is running to replace Katie Porter in Congress, admits for the second time in a week that he hasn’t read a popular anti-crime ballot measure he is working to undermine

June 19, 2024

San Francisco's Honduran Drug Dealers Are Building Mansions Back Home: Report

Sanctuary city status makes Bay Area 'attractive to the Honduran dealers,' San Francisco Chronicle finds

July 10, 2023
Vaping vape

Number of Illegal Chinese Vapes Sold in United States Has Skyrocketed Under Biden

Biden's FDA has said that preventing the sale of illegal vapes is a priority

June 27, 2023