Pierson Compares Trump's Muslim Ban Proposal to Obama's False 'Keep Your Doctor' Promise

May 13, 2016

Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson compared Trump's proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country to President Obama's false Obamacare promise that "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" in a CNN appearance Friday.

On The Today Show earlier in the day, Trump said he was "always flexible on issues" and that his proposed Muslim ban was merely a "suggestion" from a presidential candidate. CNN host Wolf Blitzer suggested this indicated a "softening" on a key issue and perhaps an attempt to pivot toward the middle for a general election.

"He now says that's a suggestion," Blitzer said. "He seems to be softening his position on tax policy. Is he now moving away from the right, shall we say, towards the center as he worries about a general election? Because that's what regular politicians, as you know, do."

Pierson, strangely, invoked Obama's infamous health care promise about doctors that was later proven to be false. Obama also consistently promised no Americans would lose their health care plans if they liked them, which also turned out not to be true.

"Not at all," Pierson said. "What Mr. Trump is saying is that yes, all of his policies are suggestions like any other candidate. We all recall that time when if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Guess what? That actually didn't say the policy."

Pierson said "Mr. Trump is just being very honest with voters."

"He has not back-pedaled on his Muslim ban," she said. "He said he would back off of it in an instant if things have taken place to where we could properly vet individuals, so this media outcry of how Trump has somehow backed off of his Muslim ban, I find quite absurd because that is just simply not the case."