McCaskill: No One Investigated by Law Enforcement More Than Clinton in History of Politics

November 4, 2016

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.) suggested Friday that Hillary Clinton is the most investigated individual in the history of politics.

Appearing on MSNBC's Meet the Press Daily with Chuck Todd, McCaskill discussed the FBI reopening its investigation into Clinton's private email server after the bureau found additional emails relevant to the case on Anthony Weiner's computer.

McCaskill suggested FBI Director James Comey had political motivations behind his decision to release a letter last Friday announcing that he was relaunching the email probe.

"Why do you think he's doing that?" Todd asked McCaskill.

"I think he's worried about how he's going to look. I think he's not thinking through the consequences," McCaskill responded.

"No one has been investigated by law enforcement more than Hillary Clinton in the history of politics," McCaskill added, blaming the investigations on political motivations.

McCaskill has been a strong Clinton supporter since she endorsed the former secretary of state back in 2013.