Camerota: Report on Favorable State Department Treatment of Bill’s Friends Again Shows Collusion

October 13, 2016

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota said Thursday that new emails released by the State Department from Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state show that there was no firewall between the department and the Clinton Foundation.

The Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday:

A senior aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton heeded special attention to emails identified with the "FOB"—friends of Bill Clinton—abbreviation following the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti, according to newly released emails.

Caitlin Klevorick, a senior State Department official who was tasked with sifting through incoming Clinton Foundation aid offers after the earthquake, directed foundation staffers to "flag" any emails sent by friends of the former president, ABC News reported Tuesday.

"Once again, it does show collusion or a cozy relationship between the two," Camerota said.

The Daily Beast's Jackie Kucinich said that the new email release does not look good and it seemed like people who were close to the Clintons were getting access to people of power.

"This is why the emails are a problem for Hillary Clinton much more so than any of the other things that are coming out of the WikiLeaks," Kucinich said.

A Freedom of Information Act request from the Republican National Committee brought the new emails to light. There are numerous emails that show senior aides to Clinton coordinating with the foundation to identify friends.

The emails also revealed that the Clinton Foundation was mobilizing again to assist in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew hit the island nation last week.