Vermont Democrat Running for Governor: 'Who Wants to Raise Taxes?'

'That's just not something that anyone would want to do'

August 15, 2018

Nelson Recorded Saying Russian Hacking of Florida’s Voting System Happened in Past

The senator made headlines last week alleging Russians 'now have free rein' in voting system

August 15, 2018
Gavin Newsom

Newsom to Hold Hollywood Fundraiser With California Still Reeling From Wildfires

Newsom has overwhelming fundraising and polling advantage against GOP opponent

August 15, 2018

Shopify CEO Deletes Free Speech Commitment as Company Purges Gun-Related Retailers

Shopping platform declares free speech ‘too idealistic and functionally unworkable,’ bans nearly all gun sales

August 15, 2018

Ali Velshi Tells Vermont Democrat 'You're Preaching to the Converted' With Progressive Platforms

MSNBC host: 'I'm Canadian ... I think of these as normal platforms, not progressive'

August 15, 2018