Trump on Woodward's Book: 'Shame' Someone Can Write a Book and 'Totally Make up Stories'

'Don’t know why Washington politicians don’t change libel laws?'

September 5, 2018
Scott Wallace

Scott Wallace Owns Stock in Opioid Manufacturer Being Sued by His District

Pennsylvania Dem running in district with dire opioid epidemic

September 5, 2018
Tammy Baldwin

Baldwin Seeks to Overturn Trump Rule on Short-Term Health Insurance Plans

Rule allows purchase of cheaper short-term coverage for a longer period of time

September 5, 2018
Vaping vape

U.K. Gov't Report Finds E-Cigarettes 'Substantially Less Harmful,' Urges Deregulation

Concerns of e-cigs as gateway to smoking for teens 'have not materialized'

September 5, 2018

Google Won't Tell Congress If It's Working With China on Censored Search Engine

Internet giant committed to Chinese market, won't answer Congress on censorship, election meddling

September 5, 2018

Pentagon Plans to Deploy Space-Based Missiles

Orbiting missile defenses to counter Chinese, Russian hypersonic, ballistic missiles

September 5, 2018