Abrams Compares Loss to Kemp in Georgia to Bad No-Call by Refs in Saints-Rams Game

Campaign manager: 'We are going to give Brian Kemp living hell'

January 22, 2019

Schumer's Press Secretary Makes Cameo in Fyre Festival Documentary With Fraudster

Angelo Roefaro to convicted felon: 'Try to keep me out of your stuff'

January 22, 2019

Death Threats From Viral Misinformation Force Temporary Closure of Catholic School

Threats and doxxing directed at students follow false media reports

January 22, 2019

Supreme Court Denies Review to Football Coach Fired for Praying After Games

Alito: 'denial of certiorari does not signify that the Court necessarily agrees with the decision' of lower courts

January 22, 2019
Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Stacks Presidential Campaign With Hillary Clinton Alums

Dem super lawyer Marc Elias announced as part of newly launched 2020 campaign