Socialist Ilhan Omar Blames America For Venezuela’s Collapse

Omar accuses Trump administration of 'bullying' far-left regime with sanctions

May 1, 2019
Allen West

Allen West Says NRA Board Voted for LaPierre, Others in Voice Vote

'With no opposing nominations, the vote was done by acclamation, not roll call vote'

May 1, 2019
U.S. Capitol

House Republicans Present a Budget, Chide Dems for Failure to Do Same

RSC budget includes investments in military's cyber and space capabilities

May 1, 2019
Michael Bennet

Bennet's Facebook Advertising Suggests Presidential Run Still In Cards

Colorado senator would join field that already has 21 announced candidates

May 1, 2019

MSNBC Host on Venezuela: Because of Russia, It's 'Not Clear Which Side We're On' (It Is Clear)

As she speaks, graphic appears showing Pence telling opposition 'we are with you'

May 1, 2019