Rubio Rips Administration’s Refusal to Acknowledge Islamic Terror, Student Visa Policy

Senator Marco Rubio tore into the Obama Administration's terror policies Wednesday on "Your World with Neil Cavuto."

Rubio said President Obama's refusal to acknowledge Islamic terrorism and the FBI's decision to read Tsarnaev his Miranda rights underscore the reality that the administration does not understand the true nature of the terrorist threat.

The student visa system also drew scrutiny from the Florida senator, who voiced his opinion that the granting process should be reformed to prevent another 9/11 or Boston type attack:

NEIL CAVUTO: Senator, very quickly there are some getting leery of all the Muslim students in America, our own Bob Beckel among those saying maybe stop grants visas, others speaking about slowing down the number getting into the country, checking them out more closely. What do you think?

MARCO RUBIO: I think we need to be open to changes that provide more security, first and foremost. It's important to under -- I don't like profiling anybody or singling our anybody or generalizing anything, on the other hand student visas are not a right, student visas are something this country does out of generosity, student visas are something this country does because we've figured out it's in our national interest, but you don't have a right to a student visa, and therefore we have a right to put whatever restrictions we want on student visas. I'm not prepared yet to take a firm position on what those restrictions should be. I want to learn about what would have worked, and what might have worked to prevent past attacks. For example, some of the 9/11 attackers were on student visas, and by the way they overstayed those student visas. If we have the entry/exit tracking system I'm calling for we would have known that they were here overstaying. We don't know who the overstayers are. We know when they come in but we don't know if they left. That's why I want to see reform.