Clinton Spokesman Has to Address FBI investigation, UFOs in MSNBC Interview

May 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton spokesperson Brian Fallon had to address critical issues to her campaign on Wednesday, including the ongoing FBI investigation into Clinton's home-brewed email server and her interest in UFOs.

"And just for the record has there been now any contact from the FBI to representatives for Secretary Clinton for an interview?" asked MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell. "Any contact or any scheduling or anything else on that issue?"

There have been recent reports stating that the FBI will be in contact with Clinton shortly. They have already interviewed her aides.

"Look, this is an ongoing process, it's a fluid process," Fallon said. "It's one where Hillary Clinton indicated last August, almost a year ago now, that she would be willing to come in and participate and sit down for an interview to answer any questions they have. I think that right now they're focusing on talking to other aides that worked at the State Department. But at whatever point they indicate that they're willing and ready to speak to Hillary Clinton, she'll be there and she'll be happy to answer their questions."

Mitchell clarified by making sure that this has not yet happened, in which Fallon said to his knowledge, the FBI has not reached out yet.

"And I want to ask you about Hillary Clinton's answers on UFOs," Mitchell said. "She's saying that she, barring any threats to national security, would open up government files on UFOs and she is now being declared the first E.T. candidate. She said that as president she would release this information. What do we not know about Hillary Clinton and her attitude towards UFOs?"

Fallon responded to the UFO issue by stressing that this is an issue that seems to be important to Americans. He said that her stance on this topic of interest shows a willingness and commitment to "running an open administration."

"Well, Andrea, I think that this is obviously an area that is of interest to many Americans, including our own campaign chairman, John Podesta, who has been very interested in these issues for many years," Fallon explained. "I think that said, the 'Times’ article was written somewhat tongue-in-cheek. I'm not sure that this is going to be contemplated in the Democratic platform in Philadelphia this summer. But, certainly it's an issue that is a curiosity to many Americans. I think it's just another way she will be committed to running an open administration."

The New York Times previously wrote about Clinton's interest in UFOs:

"You know, there’s a new name," Mrs. Clinton said in the March appearance. "It’s unexplained aerial phenomenon," she said. "U.A.P. That’s the latest nomenclature."

Known for her grasp of policy, Mrs. Clinton has spoken at length in her presidential campaign on topics as diverse as Alzheimer’s research and military tensions in the South China Sea. But it is her unusual knowledge about extraterrestrials that has struck a small but committed cohort of voters.

"Hillary has embraced this issue with an absolutely unprecedented level of interest in American politics," said Joseph G. Buchman, who has spent decades calling for government transparency about extraterrestrials.


When asked about extraterrestrials in an interview with The Conway Daily Sun in New Hampshire last year, Mrs. Clinton promised to "get to the bottom of it."