Hunter Biden Enjoyed Extended White House Stay Starting Day After He Got Sweetheart Plea Deal

(Getty Images)
August 18, 2023

One day after Hunter Biden lined up a sweetheart plea deal with the Department of Justice, he enjoyed an extended stay alongside President Joe Biden at the White House, according to a new report.

The president welcomed his scandal-plagued son to the executive mansion on June 21 for a two-week stay, the Washington Post reported, one day after the plea deal, which was later rejected by a federal judge, became public. During his White House stay, Hunter Biden attended a state dinner, weekends at Camp David, and an Independence Day celebration.

The stay also lines up with when cocaine was discovered at the White House on Sunday, July 2. It was previously reported that the first son departed the White House for Camp David on June 30, but it was unknown that he was staying in the residency through that time. The Secret Service has since closed the investigation and said it identified no suspects.

Had the plea deal gone through, Hunter Biden would have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor tax crimes and received immunity on a broad range of criminal charges, but federal judge Maryellen Noreika took issue with the broad immunity the first son would have won through the deal. She told prosecutors and Biden's legal team last month to craft a new one. She said the original deal was "not standard" and "different from what I normally see."

The news that Hunter Biden lived at the White House comes after his father pledged during his presidential campaign in 2019 that there would be an "absolute wall" between his family's business dealings and his administration.

Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to the tax crime charges after the deal was rejected. He is accused of failing to pay taxes on millions of dollars from overseas dealings.

The Justice Department said this week that a return to the initial plea deal is out of the question, contradicting the first son's lawyers who said prosecutors should be held to the deal. Attorney General Merrick Garland last week appointed prosecutor David Weiss as special counsel in the investigation into Hunter Biden.

Published under: Hunter Biden