On This Day in History: March 14, 2008

Hillary Rodham Clinton

A man named Clinton pled not guilty to being a heroin dealer.

Lindsay Lohan launched a new line of leggings.

MTV reality star Whitney Port launched a line of clothing.

A Hillary Clinton surrogate said that Obama was unelectable.

On a conference call today, Mark Penn -- the senior adviser to Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, declared that Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, can't win the general election. …

Penn says that Obama can't win Pennsylvania, a primary which is key to the general.

"We believe fundamentally it provides a very test of who can really win the general election," Penn says. "We believe this will again show Hillary is ready to win and Senator Obama really can't win a general election."

After a reporter presses for clarification, the Clinton campaign denied Penn made the statement and Penn clarifies, saying: "I think if you can't win Pennsylvania, it raises serious questions about whether he can win a general election."

UPDATE: Obama campaign spox Tommy Vietor says: "It can’t inspire too much confidence in the Clinton campaign when their pollster ignores both polls and math by making comments as divorced from reality as this one. Senator Obama is leading in delegates, states won, the popular vote, and fares better than Senator Clinton against John McCain in poll after poll, including critical swing states like Iowa, Colorado, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Wisconsin."

NBA star Stephen Curry turned 20, Kingsman star Michael Caine turned 75, and Tooth Fairy actor Billy Crystal turned 60.

Published under: Hillary Clinton