CNN Host Uses Profanity to Attack Trump, Later Apologizes

Reza Aslan / Getty Images
June 5, 2017

CNN host Reza Aslan criticized President Donald Trump in a profanity-laced tweet on Saturday.

"This piece of shit is not just an embarrassment to America and a stain on the presidency. He's an embarrassment to humankind," Aslan tweeted out. The tweet has since been deleted.

Aslan is the host of the CNN show "Believer." The show follows Aslan while he travels the world and immerses himself in various religions. Aslan came under fire earlier this year for eating a piece of a human brain on the premiere episode of his show.

Aslan's Twitter outburst was triggered by a tweet from Trump in the wake of the London Bridge terror attack, where the president said the United States needs a "travel ban."

Aslan later apologized for his tweet and released a statement saying that it was not in his nature to use profanity.

CNN responded to the controversy by noting that Aslan is not an employee of CNN and that his language is "never appropriate."

"Reza Aslan is not a CNN employee, but does host a series on the network," a CNN spokesperson said in a statement. "We are pleased that he has apologized for his tweets. That kind of discourse is never appropriate."

Aslan was claiming that it was not like him to use derogatory language, but some of his past tweets, which Twitchy has uncovered, tell a different story. Aslan has tweeted multiple times using profanity and derogatory language especially when talking about Republicans or conservative leaning individuals.