Via Down With Tyranny, here's an amusing anecdote about the campaign of Sean Eldridge, the husband of Facebook poke button pioneer Chris Hughes and New York congressional candidate:
Things aren't unfolding that well for [Eldridge]. DCCC Chairman Steve Israel, eager to keep Hughes' money flowing, has played him for a fool, not even giving him a coveted Red-to-Blue slot until Sean went bonkers on him. "Israel doesn't help at all," one heartbroken staffer told me. "All he does for this campaign is ship us bagels and cream cheese every week. We'd all rather have local donuts. He can shove his crappy bagels up his ass with the cream cheese."

Is it anti-Semitic to tell a prominent Jewish man to shove bagels "up his ass"? YES IT IS!
Meanwhile, Eldridge’s campaign continues to struggle, despite his best efforts to implement a 21st century feudal regime in his adopted district. Eldridge has personally donated almost $1 million of the money his husband earned from being Mark Zuckerberg's roommate to his own campaign, and holds a cash advantage over his opponent, incumbent Representative Chris Gibson (R., N.Y.). That’s unlikely to make a difference:
Obama took the D+1 district in 2008 with 53% and in 2012 with 52% but Cook rates it a "Lean GOP" with a Gibson +4 and Rothenberg called it "Tilt GOP" with a Gibson +2. So, last Friday Sean fired Michael Reid, his campaign manager.
One almost feels bad for Eldridge, until you remember that he is just another rich liberal who didn't earn his fortune and, like most millennials, feels entitled to whatever he wants—in this case, a seat in Congress. His loss would be a win for democracy. Then again, one can't help but feel sorry for regular people duped into donating money to his campaign. They probably have real jobs and don't own multiple mansions, but Eldridge is more than happy to take their money because YOLO.