The Free Beacon’s tireless reporting on, and in-depth analysis of, Hillary Clinton’s advanced age and possibly deteriorating health appears to be causing some Democratic voters to rethink their support for the elderly homeowner.
Voter at Elizabeth Warren #misen rally tells me Hillary might be too old, says Warren is "15-20" years younger. She’s 18 months younger.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) July 18, 2014
Weigel reports:
"I wish Hillary would have won last time," said Irma Glaser, a 77-year old retiree perched at the front of the stage where Warren would speak. Glaser was so pro-Clinton, actually that she put Claire McCaskill on her "list" for daring to endorse a male candidate over the first credible female president-to-be. "But the Republicans are going to push on her age. It's been eight years, and who knows what's going to happen by 2016?"
Glaser wanted Warren to run for that reason -- she's "younger."
This is a crucial development in the 2016 presidential race. If Hillary Clinton does run, and is able to overcome the growing skepticism about her age and physical health, she could become one of the oldest world leaders in history. But that will be easier said then done. As it stands, presumptive Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden is looking stronger by the day.