Free Beacon Stephen Gutowski

Stephen Gutowski is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He founded his own site as a junior in college and has been writing about news and politics since that time. His email address is His twitter handle is @StephenGutowski.

Part of D.C. Gun Carry Law Struck Down in Federal Court

Judge says ‘good reason’ clause likely unconstitutional, city deciding whether to appeal

May 17, 2016

Missouri Legislature Passes Constitutional Carry, Bill Awaits Governor's Decision

Veto-proof majorities move permitless carry bill on last day of session

May 17, 2016

New Obama Admin Attack on Payday Lenders Raises Concerns Gun Industry Could Be Next

RICO suits against online lenders bring back memories of Operation Choke Point

May 16, 2016

Gun Control Group Moves to Block Missouri’s Constitutional Carry

Bloomberg-backed group runs ads against permitless gun carry bill

May 12, 2016

Greatest Living American Turns 110

Says the keys to a long life are "Cigars and God"

May 11, 2016
gun ban

McAuliffe Gun Ban Not Backed By Law

‘It's kind of like walking into a 7-Eleven without shoes’

May 11, 2016

April Marks 12th Straight Month of Record Gun Sales

Terror threat, calls for gun control likely factors

May 4, 2016