Free Beacon Stephen Gutowski

Stephen Gutowski is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He founded his own site as a junior in college and has been writing about news and politics since that time. His email address is His twitter handle is @StephenGutowski.

Bullseye Sport gun shop in Riverside Calif.

July Gun Sales Crush Previous Record

Record gun sales streak continues unabated

August 2, 2016

8-Year-Old Passes Away After Becoming Honorary Marine

‘Wyatt is the epitome of Semper Fidelis’

August 1, 2016
Bernie Sanders supporters / Stephen Gutowski

What It's Like to Carry a Gun Around the DNC

Illegal gun ban and perimeters hamper week filled with delicious food

July 29, 2016
Philadelphia firearms training

Black Philadelphians Gather to Learn About Gun Rights as DNC Rolls Into Town

Black Guns Matter aims to educate responsible firearms owners, good citizens

July 27, 2016
A number of speakers gather on the stage as the event ends / Stephen Gutowski

Gun Control Advocates Confident About Hillary Clinton

Big-name Democrats draw small crowd at gun protest

July 26, 2016
Carrying outside the Q / Stephen Gutowski

What It’s Like to Carry a Gun Around the Event Zone at the RNC

Will I be allowed into any of the DNC parties after people read this?

July 22, 2016
Jaimes Cambbell and Micah Naziri / Stephen Gutowski

RNC Open Carriers Rare, Defy Stereotypes

Media expectations of menace, disorder not being met

July 20, 2016