Free Beacon Stephen Gutowski

Stephen Gutowski is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He founded his own site as a junior in college and has been writing about news and politics since that time. His email address is His twitter handle is @StephenGutowski.

kentucky shooting caution tape

Hero Cop Shoots Armed Ex-Student Preventing Possible School Massacre

Officer returned fire and injured the suspect, nobody else hurt

May 16, 2018

Trump's 9th Circuit Nominee Faces Opposition for Briefs Against Landmark Gun Rights, Free Speech Decisions

Cruz, Sasse vote against Mark Bennett over record of opposition to Heller and Citizens United

May 16, 2018
Andrew Cuomo

NRA Sues New York Over Pressure Campaign Against Financial Institutions Working with the Gun-Rights Group

'The tactics employed by these public officials are aimed to deprive the NRA of its First Amendment right'

May 14, 2018

Millionaire PA House Candidate Shows Up to Event in Mercedes, Claimed He Doesn't Drive Fancy Cars

Democrat Scott Wallace could become third-richest House member but downplays wealth in campaign

May 11, 2018
Dick's Sporting Goods

Gun Industry Group Kicked Out Dick's Sporting Goods Over "Unconstitutional" New Policies, Gun-Control Lobbying Effort

Dick's accused of 'trying to impose their view ... on the industry by hiring a lobbyist to lobby for gun control'

May 10, 2018

I Legally Carried a Gun at the NRA Annual Meeting

Feature: Please stop writing stories about how guns are banned at the NRA convention

May 8, 2018

April Sets Gun Sales Record

Second month in a row with gun sales record as push for new gun control continues

May 7, 2018

Trump Tells NRA Crowd He Remains Committed to Protecting Gun Rights

'Thanks to your activism and dedication you have an administration fighting to protect your Second Amendment'

May 4, 2018