Free Beacon Joe Schoffstall

Joe Schoffstall is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. Previously, he spent three years with the Media Research Center and was most recently with the Capitol City Project. He can be reached at His Twitter handle is @JoeSchoffstall.

George Soros

Soros Family Among Russ Feingold’s Biggest Financial Backers in Wisconsin

Three family members have maxed out donations to Feingold’s campaign

May 12, 2016

Facebook Manager in Charge of Trending Topics Is Max Clinton Donor

Employees of the company have given far more to Clinton than any other candidate

May 10, 2016

Hillary Rakes in Nearly $75,000 From Justice Department Employees

Calls continue for appointment of a special counsel

May 10, 2016
Lady Gaga Hillary Clinton

Hillary Supporter Lady Gaga Paid $21,000 By Clinton Campaign

Hillary for America has dished out nearly $100,000 to three celebrity backers

May 5, 2016

Clinton Campaign Made Payments to Hard Drive and Document Destruction Company

Payments could have purchased destruction of 14 hard drives

May 3, 2016

Feingold Campaign Vendors Paid Former Senator’s Defunct PAC $50K for Fundraising Lists

Payments occurred after PAC said it had stopped all operations to avoid a conflict of interest

May 3, 2016

Feingold Nears $400K in Bundled Lobbyist Contributions

Former critic of lobbyists keeps piling on money from K Street-aligned groups in Senate race

April 29, 2016
Kathleen Matthews

Clinton Donors Could Not Save Kathleen Matthews in Maryland

Matthews received major boost from husband, Chris, and Clinton donors, associates

April 27, 2016
Chaka Fattah

Longtime Dem Congressman Embroiled in Corruption Charges Loses Primary

Chaka Fattah, who is facing 29 criminal charges, loses Democratic primary to Dwight Evans

April 27, 2016